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Quantum Time|Space Travel and ET Contact

About club

I am QHHT (Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique) Practitioner, Quantum Guide and Transformation Coach. I would love to create a group around this topic. My cultural backdrop had always been shamanism, hailing from Mongolia, and finding a western version of similar principles through QHHT, I was able to link my spiritual heritage and my passion to explore consciousness. I am an ancient-futurist psychonaut with a flair for the unconventional! There is so much adventure and insight to be had towards our awareness of all that is and how we are positioned and able to interact with the mysteries of the universe! Through this technique - we can timetravel into our collective and individual past - we can step into our childhood experiences and reparent our inner children to transform trauma - we can transmute unprocessed emotions - we can regress into our past lives and see how they affect our current lives and transmute karma - we can get in touch with our higher selves - we can get in touch with our guidance team - we can connect to our bodies and ask what it needs and wants from us for better health - we can get a preview of our future timelines - we can find solutions for current problems from a better vantage point - we can enhance our performance in our careers - we can connect with our purpose and get guidance on how to fulfill it - we can find and retreave aspects of our souls - we can connect with our multi-dimensional aspects - we can speak and have contact with Extraterrestrials - we can travel and explore other worlds, planets and dimensions - we can unlock and explore our extra-sensory abilities - we can learn to visualize and manifest As you can see, the possibilities are endless and incredibly exciting! I would like to introduce you to the possibilities of stepping into the quantum realm, hold space to activate, transform and integrate the changes and create a team of gifted and expanded people, that share my purpose of awakening and loving our existence as humans and guardians of nature and our beautiful planet! I would like to invite you to join me in this group and in our future meetings to discuss and explore these concepts and take off into the quantum reals during group hypnosis sessions together. I am available for one-on-one private sessions and coaching packages if you want to deep dive into your individual journey of healing and discovery! @celmuun @atmatao

Los Angeles
Based in


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