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Timon Afinsky co-founder

About me

My thing in life is getting to know the world through the people I meet. I love spending time outdoors, living meaningful experiences, sharing what I’ve learnt and listening to people’s stories. That’s what I call ‘fun’, what gives me energy, and what brought me to Meeting new people for me is like traveling to discover new countries. After spending 17 years in London, I still consider myself a new in town. I love to be revealed anything I don’t know yet about my town. My ideal weekend is going home exhausted after a long beautiful hike, possibly with my dog, while having meaningful conversations with likeminded people, hugging trees together. My favorite food is ramen. But I’m always up for anything new. You can always ask me about biohacking, burning man and how I became a chess champion as a student! My dream experience is a crazy fun holiday in Cuba with a bunch of Locals.