Paid Activity Terms

Paid Activity Terms

Paid Activity Terms

Last updated: June 9, 2024

1. Introduction

  1. Please read these paid activity terms (“Paid Activity Terms'', “Terms”) carefully. By using Locals Services to create, promote and collect payments from Paid Activity as a Paid Creator (referred to here as “Paid Activity Services”), you agree and accept the following Paid Activity Terms, which will bind you at all times and in whatever manner you use Paid Activity Services. If you do not agree, or you do not have the authority to accept these Paid Activity Terms, you must not use the Paid Activity Services.

  2. Locals Ltd. or any of our affiliated entities (referred to here as “Locals”, “we”, “us”, “our”, “Locals”) permit you to use the Locals Services and create a Paid Activity only in accordance with these Paid Activity Terms. 

2. Application of these Terms

  1. In all cases not provided herein, the relations in connection to Paid Activity shall be governed by the Locals Terms of Use, as well as the Locals Privacy Policy, which are incorporated by the reference, except as explicitly stated herein. By agreeing to these Terms you acknowledged that you have read Locals Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

  2. Additionally you agree to comply with our Paid Activity Quality Standards, which is the integral part of these Terms.

  3. All capitalised terms not defined herein have the meaning attributed to them in the Locals Terms of Use. 

  4. Nothing in these Paid Activity Terms shall be construed to amend or contradict the Locals Terms of Use unless explicitly stated. If there is a conflict between the Locals Terms of Use and the Paid Activity Terms, these Terms shall control.

3. Changes to these Terms

  1. We may make changes to these Terms at any time, including, for example only, in order to: (a) comply with any changes to the law or regulations that apply; (b) to reflect any technical changes, such as to respond to security breaches; or (c) deal with changes to Users’ needs and changes to our business. You should check these Terms each time you access Paid Activity to ensure you understand the terms that apply at that time.

  2. Where possible and provided you have registered an account with us, we will try to notify you of any changes to these Paid Activity Terms by email or a pop-up notice when you next access your account.

  3. If you do not agree to any changes to these Paid Activity Terms that we may make, do not use Paid Activity Service. In addition, you may close your account by contacting us.

4. Paid Activity Service

  1. The Paid Activity Service provides you with the ability to use Locals Services to create, promote and host an Activity and monetize sales from registrations to an Activity, including Clubs. Each Activity that you choose to monetize by selling a registration is referred to as your “Paid Activity”. Participants using Paid Activity Service may make a one-time payment to purchase a registration to participate in your Paid Activity or to purchase a paid membership in a Club with a recurring charge.

  2. You will be permitted to create a Paid Activity through the App (all such persons referred to herein as “Paid Creator”) and offer your Paid Activity directly to other Users via the Locals Services.

  3. When you set up and schedule your Paid Activity, you will determine the specific price of each Paid Activity and other specific requirements to participate in Paid Activity.

  4. You should publish your Paid Activity in accordance with Paid Activity Quality Standards and you must continue to follow these standards to be available at Locals. If a Paid Activity doesn’t meet these standards, these Paid Activity and/or your account may be restricted, suspended, or removed from Locals.

5. Additional Information

  1. We may require additional verifications or other information from you to use our Paid Activity Service. If any information you provide is incomplete or inaccurate, you may not be able to use it in the Paid Activity Service. You agree to: (a) provide this information in a timely, accurate and complete manner and (b) maintain and promptly update this information in a timely manner to ensure it remains accurate and complete at all times.

  2. We reserve the right to suspend your use of Paid Activity Service if we reasonably believe that your account information is inaccurate or if you fail to provide all required information within the timeframes requested or does not comply with Paid Activity Quality Standards.

6. Registration with Payment Processor

  1. You will first need to create an account with the Payment Processor (specified below) who will require you to meet certain identity verification requirements according to the applicable procedure, including without limitation providing proof of identity and/or residence.

  2. You will also be required to submit payment and tax information to the Payment Processor. If Locals or the Payment Processor determines as part of the application or payment onboarding process, or later, that payments cannot be made to you for any reason, you cannot use Paid Activity Service. By accepting these Terms, you expressly authorise Locals to access your transaction data about your Payment Processor connected account activity and transactions and to conduct other activities in connection with the processing and monitoring of revenue share payments under these Terms.

7. Payment Process

  1. Payment Methods. All sales proceeds from Paid Activity are directly transferred to the Paid Creator, including, but not limited to Paid Activity direct costs, any taxes, less Payment Processor Fee and Locals Fee (“Direct Payments''). Paid Creator will collect all Direct Payments through the applicable Payment Processor and Locals accept no (and disclaims all) obligation or liability with respect to such collection or the performance or nonperformance of such Payment Processor. Direct Payments are selectively available and may not be available to all Paid Creators. Only Paid Creator duly registered and authorised by Locals and Payment Processor may revenue Direct Payments. No money will be taken until Participant have been approved to participate in a Paid Activity by you. You agree that we may, at our sole discretion and without further notice, determine and change the availability of certain payment solutions, from time to time without any liability to you.

  2. Payment Processor. Locals use a third party payment processor, such as Stripe (“Payment Processor”) to process payments for registrations to Paid Activity.

  3. Payment Processor Terms. The processing of Direct Payments will be subject to the terms, conditions and privacy policies of the Payment Processor, in addition to these Terms. We are not responsible for errors by the Payment Processor.

  4. Payment Processor Fee. Payment Processors may charge a fee for facilitating the transaction, which may be deducted from your Direct Payment ("Payment Processor Fee").

  5. Locals Fee. Paid Creator agrees to pay Locals all applicable service fees, specified on the page of creating Paid Activity, for each registration paid via Paid Activity Service ("Locals Fee"). Note that Locals Fees are subject to change from time to time with respect to transactions that occur following the change.

  6. Transaction Limit. For risk management and security reasons and to meet the requirements imposed by our Payment Processor, we may from time to time in our discretion impose a transaction limit on the amount of any given transaction that you process through Direct Payments and you authorise us to reject any transaction over that limit.

  7. Currency. Direct Payments only available in certain currencies and for Paid Creators in certain locations.

  8. Refunds. All Direct Payments, Locals Fee and Payment Processor Fee are final and non-refundable, unless required by law. Paid Creator will remain fully responsible for chargeback costs and refunds. Paid Creator will bear sole responsibility for meeting its refund obligations under these Terms and the Paid Creator’s refund policy. Participants should contact the Creator directly in respect of any request for chargebacks or refunds. 

  9. Chargebacks. Chargebacks and transaction reversals (collectively, “Chargebacks”) can occur, including when a Participant disputes a transaction with a Payment Processor. As an Paid Creator, you are responsible for paying and reimbursing promptly and fully for any Chargebacks in connection with your Direct Payments and for all fees (together with Chargebacks, “Chargeback Costs”) that we, Payment Processor Partners, or any of our other partners incur in connection with your Chargebacks.

8. Paid Activity Creator Responsibilities

  1. When creating a Paid Activity, you must, where applicable, fully educate and inform Participant about:

    • any risks inherent or incidental to the Paid Activity;

    • any requirements for participation, such as the minimum age, related skills, or level of fitness, and anything else Participants may need to know to safely participate in the Paid Activity (including dress codes, equipment, special certifications, or licences, etc.).

    • And any other information specified in the Paid Activity Quality Standards.

  2. When hosting or attending a Paid Activity, you must act with respect towards other Users. In particular, you must not:

    • do anything that is not permitted under applicable local, national, or international law or regulation;

    • act in any way that is unlawful or fraudulent or has any unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect;

    • harm or attempt to harm any User, or any other adult, child, or animal, in any way; or

    • bully, insult, intimidate or humiliate any User or other person.

  3. You are responsible for:

    • providing truth, honest and accurate information about you as a Paid Creator and your Paid Activity;

    • understanding and complying with all laws, rules and regulations that may apply to your Paid Activity and payments for your Paid Activity;

    • obtaining any required insurances, licences, permits, or registrations prior to providing your Paid Activity; and

    • ensuring that your creating and/or hosting of a Paid Activity will not breach any agreement you may have with any third party.

  4. We may impose additional limits based on applicable law or policies. Violation of any of the above rules and restrictions may lead to restriction, suspension or termination of your use Paid Activity Service or suspicion or blocking of your account.

  5. You are responsible for promptly responding to any inquiries and requests, regarding Paid Activity. You further acknowledge that you are responsible for any disputes relating to your Paid Activity. Notwithstanding with forgoing, you agree that Locals customer support team can make determination on refund and/or chargeback requests that are directed to Locals in response to customer complaints and to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

  6. The Paid Creator is responsible for providing all equipment, including supplies, vehicles, venues, and other materials ("Equipment") necessary to host a Paid Activity. The Paid Creator is solely responsible for ensuring that the Equipment used in an Paid Activity is in good working order and conforms to all laws pertaining to safety, equipment, inspection, and operational capability. Except as otherwise required by law, the Paid Creator assumes all risk of damage or loss to Equipment. Locals expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever arising out of the use or failure of Equipment at a Paid Activity, and the Paid Creator agrees to hold Locals harmless from the same.

  7. To the extent required by law, or when required by us directly, the Paid Creator must obtain insurance in amounts sufficient to cover the Paid Activity. Locals reserves the right to require proof of insurance for any Paid Activity, and the Paid Creator agrees to cooperate with Locals to verify such insurance coverage. We may refuse to allow the Paid Creator to create or publish an Paid Activity within the Locals Services in the absence of such insurance. All insurance shall cover the Paid Creator, the members of his team or organization, and/or the Paid Activity with the coverage and in the amounts determined by us in our sole discretion for any and all activities that take place on the Paid Activity. We may also require that the Paid Creator name us as an additional insured on any insurance policy in our sole discretion.

  8. We may also exercise any of our rights and remedies under this Section regarding recovery of such amounts due and owing to us from you.

  9. In addition, you agree that we may demand back any Direct Payments (or any portion thereof) from time to time in its discretion based upon the level of refunds, disputed charges, chargebacks, customer complaints, allegations of fraud, changes in Paid Creator profile, or the underlying event (s)’ risk, or branches of the applicable Terms. Where under applicable law, Direct Payments are subject to any chargeback or refund process, we under our sole discretion may demand to process a refund or chargeback by Paid Creator or suspend, set-off (against any future revenue share payments due to you), invoice you or otherwise recoup the amount of those payments previously made or credited to you, including but not limited to any applicable expenses, legal and other fees.

9. Cancellation; Non Performance

  1. Paid Creator should avoid changing or cancelling a confirmed Paid Activity whenever possible. If a change or cancellation is necessary, Paid Creator must do so with timely notice to the Participant. Cancellations should be rare, unless for safety, or force majeure reasons.

  2. Paid Creator agrees to notify Participants of Paid Activity cancellation as soon as reasonably possible and prior to the Paid Activity start time.

  3. Paid Creator will be the main contact for Participants with Paid Activity requests and complaints, including refund requests (“Claims”), and Paid Creator will instruct the Participants not to contact Locals with Claims.

  4. Paid Creator will provide clear instructions and contact information to Participants so that Participants may make any Claims.

  5. Paid Activity Disputes. In the event of Paid Activity dispute between Paid Creator and its Paid Activity Participants, it is Paid Creator obligation to settle the dispute.

10. Remedies

  • In the event Locals discovers that you are infringing these Terms or any applicable law, Locals may take any or all of the following actions in its discretion in addition to any and all remedies, specified in these Terms or in applicable law:

  • suspend or terminate your Locals Account;

  • suspend or terminate these Terms;

  • alter, edit, restrict, suspend or remove any your Paid Activity or any portion thereof;

  • disconnect your Payment Processor's account;

  • block, reverse or refund any or all of your transactions.

  1. Paid Creator agrees promptly and fully reimburse Locals upon demand all out-of-pocket costs and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys` fees and expenses incurred by Locals in collecting due amounts, or any other amounts due and owing from Paid Creator to Locals. Paid Creator agree that if Locals must seek collections for past due amounts and Paid Creator does not respond or pay in full after receiving a collection notice, Locals reserves the right to pursue outstanding balances through judicial proceedings, and such actions are expressly excluded from any arbitration provisions set forth in the Locals Terms of Use.15.3. By exercising right on remedies Locals is not waiving or prejusting any other rights under these Terms.

  2. By exercising right on remedies Locals is not waiving or prejusting any other rights under these Terms.

  3. If Paid Creator fails to pay Locals any amount of owed pursuant to the applicable Terms when due and following late payments, such amount will bear interest calculated from the date due until paid in full at a rate equal to the lesser of 0,01 percent per day and to the maximum amount permitted by applicable laws.

11. Taxes

  1. Paid Creator will be solely responsible for complying with the collection, payment, and reporting of all applicable taxes, including but not limited to duties, value-added taxes, and taxes as required by international tax treaties, in connection with these Terms.

12. Independent Contractors

  1. Both Locals and Paid Creator agree that the relationship of Locals and Paid Creator established by these Terms that of independent contractors and, except as otherwise specifically provided herein, nothing contained in these Terms shall be construed to give either party the power to direct and control the day-to-day activities of the other, constitute the Parties as partners, joint venturers, franchisor-franchisee, co-owners, legal representation, permanent residence (corporate or tax) or otherwise as participants in a joint or common undertaking, allow either Party to create or assume any obligation on behalf of the other Party for any purpose whatsoever or create an employment relationship.

  2. Paid Creator may not create an impression to Users that Paid Activity is sponsored, organised or co-hosted by Locals, except otherwise agreed by the parties.

13. Representation and warranties

  1. Paid Creator represents and warrants to that: (i) you have all necessary right, title, licence and authority to enter into and perform its obligations under these Terms; (ii) all of the information provided by you to Locals and/or the Payment Processor to enrol and participate in the Paid Activity Service is correct, accurate, complete and current at all times Paid Creator represents that any materials used in the Paid Activity Services will not (a) infringe on the intellectual property rights of any third party or any rights of publicity or privacy or (b) violate any law, statute, ordinance, or regulation.

  2. The success of the Paid Activity Service depends on numerous factors beyond Locals control. Paid Creator therefore acknowledges and agrees that the promotion or sale of the Paid Activity (and related receipts) is speculative. Locals does not make any, and expressly disclaims all, representations and warranties as to the profits, revenues or potential success of the Paid Activity and, except as otherwise provided in these Terms, no liability shall be imposed upon Locals based on any claim that (i) more sales or revenue could have been made or earned and/or (ii) better prices or terms could have been obtained.

14. Our Liability to You

  1. Locals assumes no liability of any kind whatsoever for any outcome of any interaction (online or offline) resulting from the Paid Activities (including the cancellation of an Paid Activity), Content or Locals Services (including any resulting health issues, physical or mental harm, accident, or injury that you may suffer). You are advised to exercise good judgement and caution when acting on the information available through the Locals Services.

  2. Although we use our reasonable efforts to update the Locals Content and the Locals Services as much as we can to make it more relevant and interesting to Users, we do not actively monitor the User Content and are under no obligation to update any Content. Therefore, we make no representations, warranties, or guarantees (whether express or implied), that the Content or the Locals Services are accurate, complete, and up-to-date, or to the suitability of the Locals Services or the Content for you.

  3. Please note, although we provide the Locals Services so that individuals may connect and enjoy Paid Activities, we are not responsible for the Paid Activities themselves, or any consequences of hosting or attending an Paid Activity arranged through the Locals Service.

  4. We do not assume any liability for any outcome of any interaction (online or offline) resulting from the Content or Locals Services (including any resulting health issues, physical or mental harm, accident, or injury that you may suffer). You are advised to exercise good judgement and caution when acting on the information available through the Locals Service. We also do not assume any liability arising from the cancellation of a Paid Activity.

  5. We do not guarantee that our Locals Service, or any content on it, will always be available or be uninterrupted.

  6. To the fullest extent permitted by law we make no warranties as to our Locals Services or content. You agree that our Locals Services and the Content are provided “as is” and without warranties of any kind either express or implied. To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, we disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. We do not warrant that the Locals Services or the Content will be functional, uninterrupted, correct, complete, appropriate, or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that any part of Locals Services or the Content is free of viruses or other harmful components. We do not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of our Locals Services or the Content or their correctness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability or otherwise.

  7. You are responsible for the information you share with other Users when you disclose information on the Locals Service. We are not responsible for the conduct of any User of the Locals Services. You agree to use caution in all interactions with other Users, particularly if you decide to communicate outside of the Locals Services or participate in an activity as a Participant.

  8. Please be aware that we do not conduct criminal background or similar checks on any Users or otherwise inquire into the background of the Users (in each case including Paid Creators or Participants). You are solely responsible for all of your communications and interactions with other Users, and you should ensure you take appropriate precautions when communicating with other Users or attending or hosting activities. We make no commitments, and assume no liability, in connection with the conduct of the Users, on or off the Locals Service. We do not assume any liability for any outcome of any interaction (online or offline) resulting from the content or Locals Services (including any resulting health issues, physical or mental harm, accident, or injury that you may suffer). You are advised to exercise good judgement and caution when acting on the information available through Locals Service.

  9. To the fullest extent permitted by law we do not assume liability for accidents, delays, injuries, harm, loss, damage, death, lost profits, personal or business interruptions, misapplication of information, physical or mental disease, condition, or issue, or otherwise, due to any act or default of anyone (including Paid Creators or other Users) or any business, whether owners, staff, agents, joint venture partners, contractors, vendors, affiliates or otherwise, affiliated with us. We do not assume liability for any owners, staff, agents, joint venture partners, contractors, vendors, affiliates or otherwise who are engaged with the Locals Services or the Content, or in any way or in any location. Locals assumes no liability whatsoever on any theory of recovery related to Paid Activities.

  10. You specifically acknowledge and agree that we are not liable for any defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of any Users, including you.

  11. We are also not responsible to you if our provision of the Locals Services is delayed by an event or cause outside our control.

  12. To the extent you are aware of suspicious, fraudulent, or behaviour, please immediately report it to us. You should block and report anyone that violates these terms, including (a) underage Users, (b) harassment, threats, and offensive behaviour, and (c) inappropriate or harmful behaviour of any kind, (d) fraudulent profiles, or (e) activities not conducted in accordance with these terms or applicable law.

  13. If digital content that we have supplied is defective and damages any device or digital content belonging to you, and this is caused by our failure to use reasonable care and skill, we will either repair the damage to your device or pay you reasonable compensation. However, we will not be liable for any damage that you could have avoided by following our advice to apply an update offered to you free of charge or for any damage that was caused by you failing to correctly follow any of our instructions or to have in place any minimum system requirements that we advise you of.

  14. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not assume liability for any owners, staff, agents, joint venture partners, contractors, vendors, affiliates or otherwise who are engaged with the Locals Services or its content, or in any way or in any location in connection with any Activity, the Locals Services and/or the Content.

  15. We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful for us to do so. Applicable law may not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability or incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. Except as set forth in the preceding sentence, our total liability to you arising under or in connection with these Terms shall be limited to one hundred pounds sterling (£100).


15. Your Liability to Us

  1. You shall be responsible for any losses, damages, costs, and expenses which we suffer which are caused by your breach of these Terms.

  2. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Locals, our parent entity, subsidiaries and affiliated companies, and their respective officers, employees, directors, contractors and agents, from and against any and all claims, causes of actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) and all amounts paid in settlement arising out of, connected with, or accruing from (a) your access to and use of the Locals Services and the Content; (b) your violation or breach of these Terms, (c) your violation of any applicable law; (d) your User Content, or (e) your interaction with any other User. We may assume the exclusive defence and control of any matter for which you have agreed to indemnify us, and you agree to assist and cooperate with us in the defence or settlement of any such matters.

  3. You shall be responsible for any losses, damages, costs, and expenses which we suffer which are caused by your breach of these Terms.

  4. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you release us, our parent entity and subsidiaries and affiliated companies, and their respective officers, employees, directors, contractors and agents from any and all responsibility, liability, claims, demands, and/or damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with the following: (i) your use of the Locals Services, including participation and attendance at Activities; (ii) disputes between Users, including those between you and other Users; (iii) disputes related to Paid Activities, Direct Payments or between you and a Payment Processor; (iv) User Content or third party Content; (v) claims relating to the unauthorised access to any data communications or content stored under or relating to your account, including unauthorised use or alteration of such communications or your User Content.

  5. We may assume the exclusive defence and control of any matter for which you have agreed to indemnify us and you agree to assist and cooperate with us in the defence or settlement of any such matters.

16. Termination

  1. If you do not comply with our Terms or if we are investigating any suspected non-compliance or misconduct by you, we may take such action that we think is appropriate or necessary, including suspending or ending your access to the whole or any parts of the Locals Services or Paid Activity Services with immediate effect and permanently. If your non-compliance is curable, we will give you a reasonable opportunity to do so. You may contact us about your suspension or ending your access to Locals Services or Paid Activity Services  at contacting us.

  2. We retain the right to investigate any non-compliance with these Terms and any misconduct, we shall be entitled to take any action that we deem appropriate or necessary during or in response to such investigation.

  3. Paid Creator may terminate use of these Paid Activity Services, at any time by following the on-screen instructions or by contacting us.

  4. In the case of termination of these Paid Activity Terms we may disconnect your Payment Processor's account.

  5. Locals may choose to stop offering Paid Activity Service, or any particular portion of the Paid Activity Service, or modify or replace any aspect of Paid Activity Services, at any time. We will use reasonable efforts to provide you with notice of our termination of your access to the Paid Activity Service, where, in Locals's sole discretion, failure to do so would materially prejudice you. You agree that Locals will not be liable to you or any third-party as a result of its termination of your right to use or otherwise access Paid Activity Service.

  6. All provisions of these Terms which by their nature shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity and limitations of liability.

17. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms, you may contact us by email.

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