Over 3000 communities on Locals platform
Trusted by founders of
From an idea to a live community in less than 5 minutes
Locals enables wellness creators to turn their passions and side hustles into sustainable and scalable businesses
White-label app
Multiple chats & threads
Detailed members’ profiles
Custom membership
tiers & roles
Offline and
online events
Magic reach via email, SMS & WhatsApp
1:1 session bookings
Analytics & insights
Train your AI twin
Answer customer questions, guide your community and earn more
Automating routine tasks
The AI twin can handle administrative and repetitive tasks like scheduling, answering FAQs, or onboarding new members. This frees up time for leaders to focus on high-impact activities, like content creation and community growth.
Personalization and engagement
The AI twin can tailor content and communication based on community members’ individual needs, preferences, and wellness goals. This helps community leaders offer personalized advice and experiences at scale.
Data driven community insights
The AI twin can analyze community data to identify trends, member preferences, and areas for improvement. This helps creators optimize content, events, and programs based on real-time feedback and behaviour.
24/7 interaction
It can engage with members even when the club leader is unavailable, answering questions, recommending resources, or guiding users through wellness practices, ensuring continuous support and engagement.
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Make a positive impact
Supporting global and local causes is central to the locals.org community. Users can fundraise for their chosen charity through their experiences. Simply create an activity, select a cause, and participants can pledge donations when joining.