Women Over Dinner
Event details
Ladies! Looking for something fun, different and connected to do in Harlem. Women Over Dinner a great place for women to gather and connect over a series of thought-provoking, intimate questions and nourishing food. This particular dinner will be hosted by two special guests, Dr. Topeka K. Sam and Women Over Dinner co-creator Nicole Daedone. Dr. Topeka K. Sam is a renowned advocate for criminal justice reform who founded The Ladies of Hope Ministries, an award winning non-profit which works to end the poverty crisis and the incarceration of women and girls. Topeka is a visionary and a charismatic speaker who believes in turning your pain and shame into power. Nicole Daedone is a co-founder of Women Over Dinner as well as the founder of the Unconditional Freedom non-profit. Nicole is also the creator of Orgasmic Meditation and a bestselling author of twelve books about the Erotic approach to life. Come together to exchange your power and your beauty, with other women. Women share in this way is something the world desperately needs more of. At Women Over Dinner, we all get to remember that we are the jewel. This February 19th promises to be one such conversation as two powerhouses, Dr. Topeka K Sam and Nicole Daedone come together and invite you to their table. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/women-over-dinner-harlem-feb-19th-tickets-1236579856639?aff=ebdssbdestsearch