Club cover


About club

This is a hiking club🌲. We dress in comfortable clothes and we walk around in a pre-defined path, mainly in nature🏞 but also sometimes through parts of the city with nice architecture🏙. We walk, don't run; if your objective is to prepeare for a triathlon, this might not be the right place. The objective is to hike enjoying the views and to meet new people, specially in this country where it's easier to win the lottery than to make new friends #SlavicCuture #EasternEurope 😅. You are #Free to leave the group or stay behind to chill at some spot at any moment. This is a hiking club, not Belarus xD . It is encouraged to bring a bottle of water, coffee, tea, snacks or even a picnic blanket. If you bring Yerba Mate🧉🇦🇷 you will have my preferential treatment, like Lukashenko gives privileges to his associated oligarchs :D 🚩Communists NOT ALLOWED🚩

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Club creators