VC Breakfast
Event details
Participating in an exclusive VC breakfast provides an excellent opportunity to network with VC investors, GPs, LPs and industry professionals. Building relationships with key players in the venture capital ecosystem can open doors to potential collaborations, partnerships, and investment opportunities in the future. Our Guest for Exclusive VC Breakfast is Can Saracoglu, a serial entrepreneur and investor with five exits - two as a co-founder and three as a VC. He founded String Ventures, a seed and early-stage investment company and innovation advisory, in 2015. He raised a seed stage micro-VC and achieved three exits with it so far. He's a lecturer at Bogazici University Computer Engineering Dept, lecturing ENG 493: the objective of the course is to train engineers to become startup founders. String Ventures also runs the accelerator programs of the top tech universities of Turkey: METU and ITU.

