Club cover

Tech Entrepreneurs Club

About club

Welcome to my new tech entrepreneurs meet up club that I will be creating for a very select group of unique like minded individuals. @afinsky will be Co-Chair of TEC Being a Founder and Entrepreneur I know how hard it can get sometimes, it can get you feeling alone and blindsided. If I had a group like this when I started my startup journey it would of helped me out immensely so now I am creating one to help others. I want to create this club for a special group of amazing people who will help each other learn, grow and succeed. This club is for those who have purpose and want to achieve greatness. The aim of the club is to meet up to have fun but also to support each other, share experiences, discuss ideas, innovative, advise, build bonds, network and more. If you have technical or non-technical skills but real passion to create, build or are already creating a startup then this is the club for you. This club will also include inspirational individuals that have created, sold or are running successful startups and now want to inspire/support others. PLEASE NOTE: There will be a screening process before you are accepted into the club…tell me why you would like to join, what do you want from this club and what value can you bring to COP. This is an ongoing community club that will plan meet ups regularly.

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