Event details
Hi everyone, Many of you know me as the host of startup networking events in London. In addition, I'm Russian, and through these events, I often meet fellow Russian speakers from various countries like Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Belarus, the UK, and the US. I believe it's time for us to connect more closely. Some of you might be familiar with the concept of "Квартирник," a tradition from the '60s where emerging artists gathered in apartments for intimate performances. I've never experienced one, so I've decided to put my own spin on it, much like I do with other events. While we may be fortunate to have performers, the essence of the event is to bond and get to know each other. Expect an evening filled with Russian conversations, music, open mic style introductions, and lots of fun, not to mention the food and drinks that you'll bring along. There might even be a few surprises! Please come prepared with £10 worth of your favorite drinks and snacks to share. Our host, Andrei, has kindly offered his spacious apartment for this gathering. Let's ensure we're respectful and take care of his space. Looking forward to a memorable night with all of you! Best, Vasily Alekseenko