Event cover

Startup and Tech Business Networking

17 Dec, 6:30 PM–10:00 PM  ·  Shoreditch

Event details

Are you a startup founder who wants to meet fellow founders in London? Are you interested in sharing ideas, collaborating and making friends? This is the event for you. Being a founder can feel like a lonely enterprise. You may feel like you are fighting against the world. So it is healthy to meet new people and share your thoughts with like-minded individuals who are also trying to become successful with their ideas. Sharing each other's burdens will lessen it. When we arrive, we will do a casual introduction session and then the people will be divided into groups with conversation starters to facilitate a fun productive atmosphere. Afterwards we will go eat somewhere nice to end the night. If you want to go home early, it's no problem at all! Please register on evenbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/startup-and-tech-business-networking-tickets-1106927603259?aff=oddtdtcreator

Ken Nyar
Event host
Event host's avatar
17 Dec, 6:30 PM–10:00 PM
Exact location available after joining


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