Event cover

Star Wars items and props exhibition

30 Jun, 6:00 PM  ·  South Kensington

Event details

I'm going to the star wars exhibition, with props and items from the movies on Friday at 18. Anyone wants to tag along? Tickets here https://fansstrikebackexhibition.com/london/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=sc&utm_campaign=125555_lon&gclid=Cj0KCQjwtO-kBhDIARIsAL6LorckG0oxaa70RK6SBDpwO-60-oBDeREI60e5yW339_mSV3UmZu9R9lYaAlcsEALw_wcB

Enrico Tartarotti
Event host
Event host's avatar
30 Jun, 6:00 PM
South Kensington
Exact location available after joining