About club
Free social tennis club (*we’re primarily a non-Locals group) in East London and we are now accepting new people in batches🎾💥 We have biweekly social, alternating between Friday evening/Sunday morning. Details are only posted on our WhatsApp group, of which we accept requests every weekend This is a community for everyone to arrange social tennis/casual play all year around. Our skill level ranges from beginner (not complete beginner tho!) to intermediate (I'm sorry if you are competing in the next Wimbledon you are asked politely to leave right now). The focus is on having a safe, social place for people to meet people and have regular fun hitting a fluffly green ball Our tennis socials are usually two hours of group tennis games and small casual doubles, followed by drinks/brunch at a pub/cafe to provide opportunities for people to get to know each other. Outside of biweekly socials, people are free to host their recreational social matches. Only a few rules to keep in mind: No spamming, no private harrassment, no Andrew Tate enjoyer, no promotion, no insult. Be respectful and have fun 😄