Sensual Workout for women in Hollywood
Event details
Hello beautiful soul 🙏🏻 I am inviting you into a studio in Hollywood, to exercise and workout but in a very special way, all our movements are sensual and feminine, all exercises are meant to strengthen our feminine body silhouette in a tender manner. This complex is authentic and created by me for us women that are willing to develop our femininity through body and feminine chakras. We also exercise our intimate muscles at the end of the class. Please! Update the Going/Not going buttons for every new class, it is very helpful for me to understand how many people to expect, otherwise just let me know in the chat, say Hi and even more awesomely- introduce yourself 🌸 I would be more than happy if you girls get to connect with each other before the class 🙏🏻. I am master of feminine practices, energy healer with certification in extrasensorial, sephirotic and esoteric techniques. To register for the Sensual workout class, venmo $30 at @anakali , with your name in the comments 🙏🏻 See you soon 🌸

