Event cover
Christy and 1 more

NYC Raíces Cyber Meetups

21 January

Event details

Raíces stands for Heritage but also means Roots in Spanish. We picked Raíces because it represents our Combined Hispanic Roots and, also as a play on the word, ROOT which plays a special importance to us in the Cyber Security Field. The Colors Represent the areas of CyberSecurity. Red for Offensive Operations, Blue For Defensive Operations and Purple for Operations where we ALL come together. Raíces is an all inclusive community where Hispanics, Latino and Allies come together in a single Voice to Grow the ROOTS stronger for the Community! This event will include Redteam Info Session with Infosec Pat and pentest lab walkthrough

Christy M
Event host
Event host's avatar
21 January
Exact location available after joining
