Event details
The world’s greatest festival of ideas and discoveries will take place in London from the 7th to the 8th of October 2023. Let’s go together for thought-provoking talks and amazing interactive experiences brought to us by people shaping the world of science and technology ✨ This experience is raising funds to protect the wildlife, your contribution is highly appreciated 🙏🏼 More info and tickets: https://live.newscientist.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwpJWoBhA8EiwAHZFzfsbjozIvg7frLgOyPUTkIsYa8U6eH-014LNkJAbbjFw40WzT_vgEvhoCuKsQAvD_BwE
Sylvia Nakova
Event host
7 October
Canning Town
Exact location available after joining
Free to join
Minimum £5 donation is recommended
Support for Wildlife Conservation Network
£10 raised