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Modern Boardgame Taster

About club

Is there anything beyond Monopoly, Risk, or Trivial Pursuit? Allow me to introduce you to the modern boardgame scene! Every session we’ll get a small group of people together to play modern 2000s/2010s classics (and occasionally older ones, by group vote) in a wide variety of genres in my humble abode! Hidden role/deception, bluffing, grand strategy, reaction, and even word games. GROUND RULES: abide by a safe and respectful environment. Zero tolerance for serious name-calling/insults during boardgaming, no matter how intense a game could get. Players who intentionally cheat will be dealt with, so do not cheat! DISCLAIMER: literal tasting of my boardgame collection is not allowed. I don’t care how beautiful the Skull game box looks! MY CURRENT LIBRARY Light/simple games: Traditional pack of cards Monopoly Deal The Mind Dobble Love Letter Cockroach Poker Skull Hive Just One Medium-intensity games: Exploding Kittens Perudo Settlers of Catan (6-player exp.) Coup (with Reformation exp.) One Night Ultimate Werewolf Werewords Decrypto Disney Villainous High-intensity/long games: Smallworld (Underground) Avalon Dune Diplomacy (Colonial + 1901 variants) Dominion (6 expansions) A Fire Upon the Lake Risk (1993 ed.) Texas Hold’em poker

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