Event details
Let’s get together IRL this Thursday for a drawing session learning of the techniques of LOUISE BOURGEOIS: DOODLING AND THE UNCONSCIOUS (I actually have know idea who this artist is…but keen to learn more!!) I’ve bought the ticket to join the class online. So let’s gather, mindfully create and then share potluck dinner together ✨✨ The blurb about the drawing experience…. This class will explore Louise Bourgeois’ obsession with Drawing through a series of mindful drawing exercises, working both from imagination, some of Bourgeois’ own writings, and from her oeuvre, expect a series of unusual therapeutic exercises designed to make use of drawing as a cathartic tool. Explore the world of DOODLING, with the aim of recovering the simple joy of playful markmaking. Join LDG’s Luisa MacCormack as we explore the world of the inimitable Louise Bourgeois! Known for her site specific and monolithic sculptures, her haunting installations and her skill as a sculptor, unbeknownst to many, Louise Bourgeois’ oeuvre also includes a collection of literally thousands of drawings. Made over the span of her seventy year career, Bourgeois’ drawings are perhaps the most immediate of the artists’s works - often created late at night whilst suffering from insomnia, or as a kind of creative diary, the drawings explore universal and deeply emotional themes, all through the medium of doodling.
