Meditation for beginners !
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Learn BBM ® ( being blissful meditation) technique with me ! Being Blissful meditation, maximizes the use of brain power, awakens infinite possibilities, sharpens the intellect and establishes blissful state. Having mastered this powerful meditation, one can attain the ultimate heights in life, after which nothing remains to be known, nothing to be said and nothing to be done. Awaken your life and awaken others’ lives. What is Being Blissful Meditation (BBM) (Joyful Meditation)? BBM is the divine ray of hope for human beings, envisaged by Dr. Omanand Guruji as a result ofyears of austerity, meditation, research and tenacity. BBM is a complete scientific process by which a person can discover the ultimate possibilities of his life. Today, along with the development of society, there are tensions, troubles, sorrow and diseases in every house. Regular use of BBM equips us with a panacea in a minimal expense and gives life-saving powers by awakening our late

