About club
Calling for all people fresh out of a relationship looking to make some dope friends and trauma bond our way towards “over it.” ⚠️only people recently out of a relationship will be admitted — thank you for understanding! In the last month, I’ve broken up with my partner of 3 years, gotten a new job, moved to LA from Chicago and drove cross country by myself. And I’ll be honest, it was rough. It can be lonely out here when you’re going through a heartbreak alone or maybe surrounded by people that just don’t get it. So, instead of doing it alone, let’s do it together! All people, all age groups, all of everything welcomed (baggage and all). Let’s just figure it out together! Hit me up with suggestions of what we could do/where we could start… I’m thinking some sadistic dark comedy show? Lmk.
![1 image in gallery](https://d37oga323c1vsl.cloudfront.net/Q83kVK4BeQQiijyEwnYyXef9ZJvo7uHkC5VzdgwLOVk/resize:fill:375:375:1:0/g:no/q:80/aHR0cHM6Ly9kcjB0/NnkycnNhbTcyLmNs/b3VkZnJvbnQubmV0/L21lZGlhX2dhbGxl/cnkvMjA0OTIvNGM5/OTcxNDctMWNkZS00/MjExLTllNzYtOGIz/NmE1YWQ4ZDIzLmpw/Zw.jpeg)
![2 image in gallery](https://d37oga323c1vsl.cloudfront.net/KHZAOJ3L0x9py9hRTpyCcz7hqUOodrpqYEaPGCK-wGQ/resize:fill:375:437:1:0/g:no/q:80/aHR0cHM6Ly9kcjB0/NnkycnNhbTcyLmNs/b3VkZnJvbnQubmV0/L21lZGlhX2dhbGxl/cnkvMjA0OTIvYWIz/ZTE3ZjQtMjE5Mi00/MmI1LTk1ZGItMzE0/ZTJiMWNmOTM3Lmpw/Zw.jpeg)