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Locals πŸ’› AI for Founders Club

About club

A club for Founders who want to stay up to date with latest AI tech. During our bi-weekly meet-ups we will discuss latest AI & brainstorm potential ways on incorporating it into our daily life, bio hacking and business. Figuring out how to do this is no easy task which is why having a club of likeminded people would be amazing! πŸ’› Some entrepreneurs are afraid of AI. They see it as their competition, and they are worried their margins and USPs are being squeezed by the technology. Akin to the 19th century luddites of the industrial revolution who smashed up sewing machines, AI is their sworn enemy and they are spending energy highlighting its obvious flaws to prove how they are better. The troubles is - sewing machines didn’t go anywhere. And AI isn’t going anywhere either. A better course of action is to embrace the changing world and leverage AI to get ahead of the game πŸš€ 1st MEET UP: May 19th - 7pm-9pm 2nd MEET UP: May 20th - 4pm - 6pm 3rd MEET UP: May 25th 12pm Topic will be decided in the chat Please introduce yourselves as you join the chat πŸ‘

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