
Life Skill: How To Spiral Upwards

Flexible date, 7:00 PM–8:30 PM

Event details

Spiralling upwards into a good feeling place and maintaining it is easier than you may think. Your natural state is love, joy, satisfaction and contentment because you are Source energy in a human body. As a child it is so easy to be happy, curious, playful, relaxed and free because you are pure, fresh from the other side - no judgement, criticism and overthinking, internalised opinions of others, it’s all very easy to feel good. This state is always within you, and you can always access it at any time. In fact, the Universe is constantly feeding you a stream of ways to get back to this free, limitless, open-hearted state every moment of every day. As you relax your mind, you catch more and more of these inspired thoughts, ideas, suggestions etc The key is being in touch with how you feel moment-to-moment and gently choosing the best thoughts and feeling from wherever you currently are. In this online 1.5 hour workshop, I will share with you: - How to be in touch with yourself moment-to-moment and guide yourself to good feeling places often throughout the day so this becomes your dominant feeling place - How inner joy is the key to everything you want and how easy it is to cultivate it in your everyday life - Making it easy to feel good no matter your physical circumstances - Why ‘negative’ thoughts and feelings are blessings and roadmaps for clarity and peace If this resonates with you, I’d love to see you there 💜 your presence will be so appreciated and welcomed. Once you’ve joined the group, you’ll receive the Zoom link where the workshop will take place. Love, Omamerhi ❤️💜

Omamerhi E
Event host
Event host's avatar
Flexible date, 7:00 PM–8:30 PM
Date will be agreed later
Exact location available after joining
£50 to join
This is a paid event


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