Let's share our wellness rituals
Event details
We begin this event with body movements and also by setting your individual and group intentions and prepare for the drinking of Ceremonial Cacao. Cacao is not a psychedelic substance, but a tool to gently uplift the spirit and disperses any energy blockages around your body. After the cacao meditation, you will be guided through a 30 min Conscious Connected Breathwork . To help you connect to the felt sense of your body and explore what is present for you at the moment. giving you the awareness to clear pain, to let go of tension, release old emotions and heal traumatic stress using your breath and movement. as the breathwork comes to a close you will be invited to go into meditation to integrate. This time will include sound bath, this will deepen your relaxation and enables your energy to flow more freely within the body and deepen your connection to the subconscious realm where deep self-healing can take place.
