Jack The Ripper tour (and drinks in Spitafields)
Event details
Jack The Ripper tour (and drinks in Spitafields) Friday, 17 November 2023 18:30 – 20:30 (drinks after) The tour is organized by Wonders of London Please book your ticket at the following link for Friday the 17th of November. Free booking and Pay What You Can Tour at the end of the tour (guidelines are £8 to £10). https://www.wondersoflondon.com/tour/jack-the-ripper-tour-london/ Jack the Ripper Tour is a unique free tour in London that takes you back to the Victorian London. In Jack The Ripper tour we will explore the poorest and most dangerous alleyways that in the 19th century resulted in being the crime scenes of the gruesome murders of innocent women, committed by this still unidentified serial killer. The walking tour starts in Tower Hill area and continues in Whitechapel that during that era was sadly known as the “Doors to Hell”. The darkness of a late evening helps to dive into this gloomy atmosphere that, together with the excellent acting skills of our guides, will make you feel totally engaged and absorbed. In this Jack the Ripper free tour in London you will hear about all the victims, suspects and conspiracy theories that will help you unravel the mystery behind Jack the Ripper’s murders. Who was he? Some reckon he was a doctor, others a butcher, but what do you believe? Be a detective for a day and use our clues to build your own theory! Jack The Ripper Tour Itinerary Starting in Tower Gateway DLR Station we will guide you to the alleyways of Whitechapel to finally end in Spitalfields Market, near Liverpool Street Station. Here you can find all the stops of our Jack the Ripper tour in London, during which we will be talking about the five murders known as the Canonical Five. The first stop of the tour will be behind the Chamberlain Pub where we will take you back to the night of August 31st 1888. We will then get a clearer view of St. Botolph Church, which has been a religious site for about 1000 years now. After that we will move to Mitre Square where we will talk about Catherine Eddows and then to Goulston Street where The Ripper took a piece of Catherine Eddows blood stained apron. We will lead you up a road called Toynbee Street where we will see a barber shop that quite proudly takes the name “Jack The Clipper”. After we will move to the next stop, Puma Court where Annie Chapman was escorted by an unknown gentleman… until we get to the last stop of this free walking tour in Spitafields Market.

