Club cover

Inner Child Club 🦄🪄

About club

Do you ever say to yourself ‘ I wish I was a child again!’? Let’s set some time aside to live in the moment, for the moment and just be present, just like a child is! Who’s with me? 🤗 This club is dedicated to organising events so we can set our inner child FREE together! 🥳 Come on my friends - let’s go singing in the rain, eat ice cream whilst it’s snowing, go fly kites, visit the zoo, organise sports days ( egg and 🥄 race is my favourite!!), walk barefoot and climb trees in the park, plan Disney film nights, go to vintage shops, dress up and make movie montages of our outfits, play rounders, see pantomimes, have balloon parties, go star gazing, plan camping adventures, climb to the top of Hampstead Heath and watch the sun rise, have thumb war competitions, go to fun fairs - ANYTHING that gets us back in touch with our curiousity, excitement and wonder with life. So looking forward to creating a community that’s based on being CHILDISH ON PURPOSE and having a giggle 🤭 I will plan one event a month and please feel free to use this platform to make your own childish events 😊

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Club creators