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Volodymyr and 1 more

History of Ukraine for beginners (courses)

Flexible date

Event details

Have unusual proposition for all people who interested about Ukraine My name is Volodymyr. I want to start my little adventure - adult groups about history of Ukraine in ENGLISH. For now i`m not so good at eng and have slavic accent (i working on it but still). I have more than 6 years practice of teaching. Last 3 year is more about adults. (кілька слів до українства під кінець допису) _______________ I confident about myself about history and about teaching. I have this idea a long time and just few days ago i think - why i can`t start right now? So: - if u want to know more about Ukraine but feel yourself confused and don`t know how u can learn ... - if u haven`t enought time for find information yourself but still curious... - or if u just want some intelectual entertainment for your evening - i`m your man. So u can just write to me here on inst (ne_history) or left comment about this. I need a practice so i don`t take much money from u. ___________________________________ If u have friend/relatives/lovers or just familiar people and listen from them about their curiosity about Ukraine - tell them about my initiative. Share this in stories - it`s all about win win. Because more people - more groups - more practice for me and better results for everyone faster. Simple but working. ****************************** І до українства. Англійською я поки лише роблю перші кроки то українською я маю великий досвід та бажання навчати людей. Роблю це якісно, бюджетно і комфортно тож якщо шукали собі дозвілля, яке вас буде і розвивати і розважати - я ваша людина. Буду вдячний, якщо допоможете поширити серед своїх знайомих іноземців, а самі можете долучитись у вже існуючі групи. Дякую!

Volodymyr Historican
Event host
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Flexible date
Date will be agreed later
Exact location available after joining
