Event details
Join us on May 6th for a Ecstatic Dance LA Volunteer Team Picnic! This is a free event for all EDLA Volunteers and anyone interested in learning more about the Ecstatic Dance LA program. It's a meet & greet, picnic & dance in the park for our wonderful volunteer team to have some time to connect, eat and dance, off of the sand :) Come join us if you have volunteered at EDLA before, or are interested in connecting more with the community! The event will take place at Mar Vista Recreation Park, near the picnic tables and trees to the West of the park. Please RSVP and come join us! ~ ♡ ~ SATURDAY MAY 6TH ------------------------ SCHEDULE: ≫ 1PM | Gather, Connect, Picnic! ≫ 2PM | EDLA Volunteer Connection, Notes & Updates ≫ 3PM | Dance & Play ≫ 4PM | Tentative End Time (we may still be dancing in the park at this time if people want to stay and hang :) ------------------------ LOCATION: Mar Vista Recreation Centre Park (by the picnic tables on the West side of the park) ---------------------------------------- WHAT TO BRING: ≫ Picnic Food ≫ Food to share (optional) ≫ Utensils & plate ≫ Water ≫ A blanket, towel, or yoga mat ≫ Sunscreen ≫ Comfortable clothes ---------------------------------------- ➤ Ecstatic Dance LA weaves together world class DJs, immersive sound journeys and free-form movement. It's a substance-free, all ages community celebration where you can simply BE yourself and experience rejuvenation & inspiration through connection, dance & music! ~ ♡ ~ ~~~> www.ecstaticdancela.com
![Event host's avatar](https://dr0t6y2rsam72.cloudfront.net/users/159682/avatar/a1c71f85-d59c-4c42-8647-5338ca8c9ad1.jpg)
![1 image in gallery](https://d37oga323c1vsl.cloudfront.net/3vqpUfHSyZvLaorU4cQylAE0FYgHl5nwGMp2TnGhQtU/resize:fill:375:375:1:0/g:no/q:80/aHR0cHM6Ly9kcjB0/NnkycnNhbTcyLmNs/b3VkZnJvbnQubmV0/L21lZGlhX2dhbGxl/cnkvMTk0MTIvNTVm/OWExMTUtNWRmZi00/YTBiLWI2N2QtMDNh/OTE3MDQ1ODc0Lmpw/Zw.jpeg)
![2 image in gallery](https://d37oga323c1vsl.cloudfront.net/EnieGpo8xrqcR9joU8JeW59EWslbHBYmvoslLaHpTCo/resize:fill:375:451:1:0/g:no/q:80/aHR0cHM6Ly9kcjB0/NnkycnNhbTcyLmNs/b3VkZnJvbnQubmV0/L21lZGlhX2dhbGxl/cnkvMTk0MTIvZWMx/NjQ1YmItMGJlZi00/N2E1LWJjZmUtNDFi/NDRhY2E2YmEwLmpw/Zw.jpeg)
![3 image in gallery](https://d37oga323c1vsl.cloudfront.net/hXQBGWmdIN-cwwK5aTjNkOnO7LKXp3hrA6bDyoVYYIA/resize:fill:375:600:1:0/g:no/q:80/aHR0cHM6Ly9kcjB0/NnkycnNhbTcyLmNs/b3VkZnJvbnQubmV0/L21lZGlhX2dhbGxl/cnkvMTk0MTIvMGEz/NTBlMWEtNjRiYy00/ZGZkLTljNjAtOTM3/Y2RjZTdiNmRhLmpw/Zw.jpeg)