Hannah and 7 more

Discover Your Core Values Workshop

15 Feb, 7:00 PM

Event details

Who are you? The simplest question to ask and the hardest to answer. Most people go blank when asked this question! (Try it and see, it’s a little freaky!) In order to truly connect with ourselves it is essential to know our core values. But what are core values? Core values are our compass. They’re our emotional guide and the components of our emotional toolbox used to make decisions, whether they’re big or small! But these values are hard to identify if you don’t know how and so I decided to create a workshop that guides women to discovering their core values in just under two hours! This workshop is an opportunity to explore your inner universe and discover who you TRULY are in all your dazzling glory! Not prepped for something deep and emotional? No worries! It’s going to be FUN. This is going to be an amazing experience that combines life coaching, delicious food and mocktails! Get ready for your tastebuds to be tickled - guilt free because all the munchies are healthy! And most importantly, get ready to form a richer connection with YOURSELF. To what makes you, you. You are unique – there is LITERALLY – no one like you, and that deserves to be CELEBRATED. Am I right or am I right!? By the end of the workshop you’re going to have: ☀️A completed workbook ☀️Your five core values and a special little pouch to keep them snuggled and safe in. ☀️Your own little luxury goodie bag (what’s inside is a surprise, because a surprise is more fun, isn’t it?) There are 15 places, seats are limited to ensure the vibe is cozy, intimate and heartfelt! The workshop is located in Greenwich, where you’ll get a stunning view of the Thames – after the workshop there will be the opportunity to play pool or sit and admire the stunning view – all with some quality girlie chats thrown in! Oh and I’m Hannah by the way! Life coach, NLP Master Practitioner, and in training EFT Practitioner. SO looking forward to meeting you – see you there!

Hannah Tahry
Event host
Event host's avatar
15 Feb, 7:00 PM
Exact location available after joining
