Event details
Let’s meet the sunrise with 2.5 hour chilled cycle in Al Qudra Desert 🏜 . Total distance 50km. You must know how to cycle. Bike rental is available at the place, please reserve bike in advance. Cycling speed will be around 23-25km/h so beginners are welcome Join in and become a part of the gang! More info in the group chat
Airida Diktanaite
Event host
![Event host's avatar](https://dr0t6y2rsam72.cloudfront.net/users/5187/avatar/29d6e70c-75b6-44df-8eb7-f84799bacddb.jpg)
Sunrise Cycle and Breakfast. Monthly Club
Club of the event
![Club logo](https://d37oga323c1vsl.cloudfront.net/3TwwWnw2xD7iAUoVtGwL6pyBirFPdb1wCSRtuipk3KI/resize:fill:240:0:1:0/g:no/q:80/aHR0cHM6Ly9kcjB0/NnkycnNhbTcyLmNs/b3VkZnJvbnQubmV0/L2FjdGl2aXRpZXMv/NzMzOC8xNGExY2Zh/OC0zMmU5LTRiMzEt/OWQ2OS0zOGM5MGQy/MDkxNmIuanBn.jpeg)
15 Dec, 6:15 AM
Ghadeer Barashy
Exact location available after joining