Yaz and 7 more

Boxing Conditioning 🥊

1 Oct, 3:00 PM–5:00 PM  ·  Marylebone

Event details

Want to train with myself and former professional boxer and GB athlete @sammymcness ? We are looking for people of all ages and abilities who all share the same positive mental attitude of life to come and join us! What to expect? You will be put through your paces with me on the floor where I’ll challenge you to a mixture of bodyweight exercises. These exercises will be related to ones that Sammy did for his training in the GB team. You will be taught the fundamentals of boxing by the one and only…Sammy Mcness. He will teach you the basics first and then go a little bit deeper with different boxing technique drills! You will leave this experience with plenty more knowledge as well as that incredible, euphoric feeling after a sweaty workout. We cannot wait. See you there 👋🏼🫶🏽 (Ps. Any donation towards our selected charity would be massively appreciated)

Yaz Bedwell Garcia
Event host
Event host's avatar
1 Oct, 3:00 PM–5:00 PM
Exact location available after joining
Capacity for 40 people
Limited number of spaces available
Free to join
All donations are appreciated
Support for Rising Treetops
£5 raised
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