Event cover
Maryna and 2 more

Be a part of shooting team (Music video)

24 November

Event details

Hi everyone! My name is Maryna, and I'm a music video director based in Warsaw. I'm building a team and looking for talented people to collaborate with - DOP, VFX Artists, Costume Designer, PA(assistants), Photographers, Sound Designers, Set Designers..and just all-around creative people. If you're interested in creating something amazing together, please fill out this short Google form before joining the group: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfb8iRCYzBqxHh-Nijf78kDjBQujHMgpCv8-VdYj55-wWiCUQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&usp=mail_form_link Let’s make something cool together!

Maryna Ohloblia
Event host
Event host's avatar
24 November
Exact location available after joining
