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Awakened Consciousness

About club

Hi soul si-stars and b-r-others, This is a community for all those who follow a higher path and calling. It’s for everyone who is spiritual and aware of the universal powers that are within us and around us. Be-in-g connected to the earth and uniting with one another through love and compassion. Here we can share our teachings & learnings. From the entomology, universal laws, lucid dreaming, astrology, tarot, Gaia, Ayurvedic medicine and holistic health, grounding, truth about deep state and govern-ment, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, breathwork and other practises/topics. Let’s connect and go through this journey together. We can arrange events to meet up and explore nature or go to a sound bath together etc. There are no limits, except the ones we place on ourselves. Peace & love, Emma B

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