Event details
The Belarusian-Jewish Festival (RAJSIŠ-JIDIŠER FESTIVAL) is a modern festival, launched in 2020, dedicated to Jewish history and heritage in Belarus, aimed not only at the Jewish community, but at the wider society. Rajsn-elektronik - Belarusian-Jewish music in the processing of modern electronic sound producers, a large musical project of Belarusian-Jewish Cultural Heritage Center and Radio Plato. In 2020, we conducted research work and, together with folklorists Ales Astraukh and Zisl Slepovich, collected a collection of traditional Belarusian-Jewish songs and melodies, which formed the basis of a podcast about the interaction of two cultures. In 2021, we invited Belarusian DJs and musicians to rethink this material through their creativity. The result was a compilation called Rajsn-elektronik: Jewish-Belarusian electronic music, in which you can hear a variety of genres: from experimental ambient and hip-hop to acid disco and tribal. This year we decided to take the album offline and organize two parties during the Belarusian-Jewish Festival, in Vilnius and Warsaw, which will be dedicated to the compilation. We will tell you about the album, how producers and musicians worked on the compilation, and of course, dance to the thematic sets from album participants Strereobeaver and Schmoltz as well as the local guest Justautas!