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Darya Yudasina

PM/PO || Helping Startups Build World-class Products📱💻
Warsaw, Poland

About me

I am one of those people who are passionate about organizing everything, so management is not only my job, but also my way of life. Throughout my career, I have gained experience in management in various areas: IT, design, and marketing. Moreover, I have gathered valuable experience by working with teams and stakeholders from all over the world. Each day, my previous experiences help me become a better leader for my team and a better advisor for clients. In my opinion, being a good manager and leader is not only about systematic delivery, motivating others, and effective communication, but also about continuous self-improvement. That's why I am eager to learn something new, while also being happy to help others grow. I would be delighted to discuss how I can contribute to your organization's objectives, so please don't hesitate to reach out to me :)