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Tanya Ahuja

Licensed Practitioner Psychologist
Chelsea, London, United Kingdom

About me

I'm passionate about networking and connecting with like-minded individuals, valuing openness and meaningful conversations. I enjoy the company of those in touch with their inner selves, and I'm also enthusiastic about nature and spirituality πŸƒβ˜€οΈπŸ§˜β€β™€οΈπŸŽ§πŸ’ƒπŸͺ©. I’ve been in the UK for last 4 years, and recently moved my base to London! Music and dance are my passions, ensuring there's always fun ahead! I’m open to collaborating and sharing my work with others and trying new things, uplifting one another, fixing each other's crowns along the way. Seeking kindred spirits with a growth mindset, ready to transform lives and build a powerful network β™₯️🧠🏰 [ FINE DINING + CAFE VISITS + TRAVELLING + PERSONAL GROWTH + PILATES + PHOTOGRAPHY + CULTURAL IMMERSION + NATURE + HEALTH& WELLNESS ] if any of above speaks to you to start with, let’s connect in a close-knit community where empowerment and fun collide! >>

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