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Maria Sergeeva

Healthtech founder|clinical psychologist
Waterloo, London, United Kingdom

About me

I’m a clinical psychologist with a blend of experiences in journalism, marketing management, and tech. Currently, I split my professional time between private psychotherapy practice, my health tech project, and sensory inclusion. My main bubble are international (local) Burning Man communities, and the whole year is planned around Burns and related events. My downtime is filled with dancing and singing, as well as the inspiration of museums, theatre shows, exhibitions, gigs, and live concerts. I’m on the lookout for the perfect exhibition partner or someone who’s also keen on water and sky sports. Also, I’d be thrilled to suddenly find a salsa, bachata, or ballroom dancing partner in London! I thrive on making a meaningful impact and constantly seek both intellectual and physical stimulation to stay happy. One thing you need to know about me: I’m an incorrigible optimist, definitely Panglossian.