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Elizaveta Utkina

I am specialist in the investment department of the bank
Wola, Warsaw, Poland

About me

My name is Liza. I’m from Belarus, but live in Poland, Warsaw. I work as a specialist in the investment department of the bank. I finished master degree in Management and now I do postgraduate program in Business Studies. I finished music school and love all kinds of music which depends on mood and situation. I love to travel, cook and do different activities. I am open-minded and adventurous person and I really enjoy trying new things like skateboarding, rafting, skiing and so on. I have some ideas which I would like to bring to life in the future and broaden the horizons. I believe that meeting interesting people and attending various events can help both to achieve the best results and at the same time get acquainted with people who have similar interests, passionate about the life and who can motivate each other ❤️