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Kate Metto

Entrepreneur in IoT and Agro
Warsaw, Poland

About me

Hi🙌🏼 I am from Belarus. I have nuclear physicist degree and last seven years I have been an entrepreneur and commercial director in 2 projects: smart buildings and blueberry cultivation. I am making smart city concepts, promote green buildings and new standards of real estate. And as a hobby I cultivate blueberries and dance)
 Some facts:
1. I have created a 2 meters rocket model to the protests in Belarus 2. With a team I have created interactive 3 meters nuclear reactor model for a students training center 3. Our company won an accelerator contest to export program to Saudi Arabia an UAE 4. I have a white lashes on one eye and black on the other one. As for my interests, I am fond of technology, sci-fi movies and pancakes. If somebody asks what can you eat till the end of life - it definitely will be pancakes.