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Jannet Eur

Psychologist; stylist, photographer, influencer
Balham, London, United Kingdom

About me

Hello, my name is Jeanette. A little about yourself to get to know you. 🤝😎🌻 I have been in warm relations with socionics for a long time, I have been practicing practical since 2009 and to this day. - Studied in Wales (UK) on the course "Social work with youth and adolescents" - Opened and led a socionic group in London - Participated in the opening of a school of socionics in Riga and spent a year teaching there - Helped a large number of people around the world to find themselves, their partner and purpose in life. Already lost count of how many people! We still keep in touch with most of them - Carried and continue to carry socionics to the masses in three languages ​​- Russian, English and Latvian - organized youth camps I help people find their path and purpose in life - Understand and get out of the most difficult life situations - Define and outline tasks and goals 🎯 and smoothly proceed to their implementation With pleasure will meet new interesting people 😍🤩 love to everyone❤️

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