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Inas Benchchaoui

Online marketing manager
London, Greater London, United Kingdom

About me

New to the city, been living in Berlin for the last 6 years, moved to London for work and because it’s been a dream city of mine for a long time. I love going out with friends for after work drinks or for walks on Sundays in the park (if the weather is nice and sunny). Love movies and music, but also love going to museums and anything to do with history. I love meeting new people especially from different backgrounds and cultures, and also and trying out new activities, always on the lookout for a new hobby. I have a small dog that I adopted 2 years ago, she is the friendliest and most loving dog ever, and I love spending time with her. Personality wise, I can be a bit shy when meeting new people but once I feel a bit comfortable, I’m super friendly and outgoing. My friends say I’m too nice to a fault.