Ignacy K
Software engineer
Manchester, United Kingdom
About me
In my spare time, I play tennis, dance, read and pretend to be a writer (so far). I love to explore national parks, cities and towns around the UK
Join my events12
- Ignacy and 1 morePolitical SalonFlexible
- Ignacy and 2 moreLet's play squashFlexible
- Ignacy and 28 moreLet's grab a bite in China TownFlexible
- IgnacyVolunteer for a Local CauseFlexible
- IgnacyStartup Networking EventFlexible
- IgnacyLanguage Exchange MeetupFlexible
- IgnacyBook Club and DiscussionFlexible
- IgnacyNeighbourhood ExplorationFlexible
- IgnacyHiking Adventure DayFlexible
- IgnacyArt and Architecture Walking TourFlexible