Eunice P
Tech Recruiter
Downtown Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States
About me
LA native who moved back about a year ago after being out of state for 5 years! Looking for new things to do and make new friends along the way 🤗
Join my events9
- EuniceConcerts in the ParkFlexible
- EunicePaddle Boarding on Marina del ReyFlexible
- EuniceBook Club Meetup: Literary EscapadesFlexible
- EuniceDog Walking SocialFlexible
- EuniceLocal Foodie PicnicFlexible
- EuniceCreative Karaoke NightFlexible
- EuniceOutdoor Movie NightFlexible
- EuniceStartup Networking MixerFlexible
- EuniceHiking Adventure at Griffith ParkFlexible